Are our bones more than just scaffolding? What if they're actually cosmic antennas, picking up signals from across the universe? Join us as we delve into the wild idea that consciousness isn't something we possess but something we access. We'll explore how this concept challenges our understanding of humanity, suggesting our brains are more like radios, tuning into a universal frequency rather than lightbulbs creating awareness. Could our thoughts be cosmic broadcasts? And what does it mean if some of us just have lousy reception? Get ready to question everything you think you know as we explore the absurdity of our existence as upright primates with "Wi-Fi brains and antenna skeletons." Are we just listening, or are we also collaborators in this cosmic show? Tune in to find out, and maybe, just maybe, learn to laugh at it all.
An Absurdly Scientific Adventure
The Deep Dive Podcast Episode 80
Jan 25, 2025

The Deep Dive
Musings, reflections, and ideas on matters of social import. #psychology #art #history #philosophy #politics #cybernetics #EducationalJustice #decolonize #estorerica
Musings, reflections, and ideas on matters of social import. #psychology #art #history #philosophy #politics #cybernetics #EducationalJustice #decolonize #estorericaListen on
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